If shilpa likes Karan singh grover....I don't think karan will like her because of her rudeness
She likes the grass but not the lawn. She likes the trees but not the leaves. She likes daffodils but not flowers. She is odd but not peculiar!
no she likes neji
he likes cheese and pickel sandwiches
It is unknown but it is hinted that she likes shun more than a friend.
Karan Singh Grover likes white and black
Shilpa shetty likes to eat fruits. She likes to have things which keeps her healthy. She follows a very healthy life style.
Grover and Tyson cuz he likes writing about them
grover actually likes annabeth but he found out annabeth liked Percy so he had a heart broken but he still doesnt forget on annabeth and grover is not mad at Percy of annabeth liking him and Percy even knows grover likes her too usept annabeth and Percy loves each other and annabeth in the last book she kisses Percy on the lips ITS SO ROMANTIC THAT THEY LIKE EACHOTHER
Friends: Percy, Grover, Athena cabin, people on her team on capture the flag. Enemies: people who hurt Percy She likes: Luke and Percy
Friends: Percy, Grover, Athena cabin, people on her team on capture the flag. Enemies: people who hurt Percy She likes: Luke and Percy
Listen to punk rock music, kill monsters, hunt with the hunters, hang out with Percy, grover, and Annabeth, eat, and pretend to be a pine tree (just kidding).
Click on the link below to see an illustrated picture of Grover.
Annabeth: A smart girl who Percy is into. She wants to be an architect when she grows up. They eventually fall in love. Grover: A half goat that is friends with Percy. He likes tin cans for breakfast. Tyson: A super tough cyclops. Not in much of the book. Those are the main characters.
because he likes it because he likes it because he likes it because he likes it because he likes it
POWER OF THREE Warriors Firestar likes Sandstorm Brambleclaw likes Squrrielflight Dustpelt likes Ferncloud Cloudtail likes Brightheart Brackenfur likes Sorreltail Stormfur likes Brook Daisy likes Cloudtail but he has a mate already so she mated Spiderleg Honeyfern likes Berrynose but she died of a snake bite so Berrynose mated Poppyfrost Bluestars prohecy Bluepaw/Bluefur/Bluestar likes Oakheart Thrushpelt likes Bluepaw/Bluefur/Bluestar Snowpaw/Snowfur likes Thistleclaw Stormtail likes Moonflower Pinestar likes Leopardpaw/Leopardfoot Fuzzypelt likes Robinwing Adderfang likes Swiftbrezze Sparrowpelt likes White-eye Into The Wild series Firestar/Fireheart/Firepaw likes spottedleaf Graystripe likes Silverstream Sandstorm likes Firestar/FireheartFirepaw Cinderpelt likes Firestar/Fireheart/Firepaw Tigerstar/Tigerclaw likes Goldenflower Whitestorm likes Willowpelt Brightpaw/Lostface/Brightheart likes Cloudpaw/Cloudtail Dustpaw/Dustpelt likes Fernpaw/Ferncloud New Prochecy Firestar likes Sandstorm Cloudtail likes Brightheart Ferncloud likes Dustpelt Brambleclaw likes Squirrelpaw/Squirrelflight Ashfur likes Squirrelpaw/Squirrelflight Feathertail likes Crowpaw/Crowfeather Leafpaw/Leafpool likes Crowpaw/Crowfeather Sorrelpaw/Sorreltail likes Brakenfur Stormfur likes Brook(Brook where small fish swim) Power of three Firestar likes sandstorm Brambleclaw likes Squirrelflight Dustpelt likes Ferncloud Brightheart likes Cloudtail Daisy likes Spiderleg Sorreltail likes Brakenfur Honeypaw/Honeyfern likes Berrypaw/Berrynose Nightcloud likes Crowfeather Birchpaw/Birchfall likes Whitepaw/Whitewing Lionpaw/Lionblaze likes Heatherpaw/Heathertail Tawneypelt likes Rowanclaw Omen of the stars(first 2 books) Firestar likes Sandstorm Cloudtail likes Brightheart Brakenfur likes Sorreltail Dustpelt likes Ferncloud Birchfall likes Whitewing Dovepaw likes Tigerheart Poppyfrost likes Berrynose Breezepaw/Breezepelt likes Heathertail Icecloud likes Lionblaze(pretty sure she does) Lionblaze likes Cinderheart(pretty sure on that one too)
Yes, he likes her as much as she likes him.