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christian band servants of the lord Jesus Christ singer song writer chris hargrove website

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When was Church of the Lord Jesus Christ created?

Church of the Lord Jesus Christ was created in 1933.

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"In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"

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Lord Jesus Christ :(Acts 15.11): But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved ,

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Jesus Christ is the Messiah.

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My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is more than famous: He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings: He is my Everything.....

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Whoever confesses in his heart that Jesus Christ is Lord will be saved, but he who does not believe will be damned.

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It was and is called 'The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ'

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Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith was created in 1919.

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Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ was created in 1957.

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The name of the Lord is Jesus Christ.

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the birth of the almighty lord, Jesus Christ! PRAISE BE HIS NAME!