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Q: Put your lips together and blow?
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Put your lips together and blow

In which film did Lauren Bacall utter the line You know how to whistle?

To Have and Have Not

Just put your lips together and blow?

This phrase is often used as an instruction for whistling. It suggests pursing your lips and blowing air through them to create a whistling sound.

Where should you put your lips on a flute?

You do not put your lips on a flute. You put your lips above the flute, similar to when you blow on a water bottle and it makes that weird sound. Hope that helps. :)

How does whistling work?

Whistling was defined by Lauren Bacall in 1944, in the movie "To Have and Have Not", when she instructed Steve, ( Humphrey Bogart ), to "Just put your lips together, and blow!"

What does it mean to blow your carburetor?

It means to "go down" on the carb. Just put you lips on the carb "and blow"!

What is a vuvuzela made of?

Press your lips against the opening of the vuvuzela, keeping them together. Blow into the vuvuzela by making an oscillating sound almost as if you're mimicking the sound of the vuvuzela with your lips.

What to put together to whistle?


Where is lip gloss used?

You put it on your lips, then blot your lips together.

How do you close my mouth?

put your lips together

Why do babies like it when you put your lips to his stomache and blow?

It is a ticklish sensation that makes them laugh!

How do you whistle?

Well, you pucker your lips like you're about to give a person a peck on the cheek. Then open your mouth slightly to make a tight 'o'. It depends on where you put your tongue for what it will sound like. Then BLOW!!! If you hear a whistle, you'll know. Practice, practice, practice makes perfect!Use your buccinator muscles to suck in your cheeks and then purse your lips as you exhale. Hopefully you will have a successful whistle. "You just put your lips together and... blow," from the movie classic: "To Have and Have Not".