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Actually, Denmark doesn't have a president, it has a prime minister. The prime minister that is currently in power there is Lars Løkke Rasmussen and he is the head of a coalition of the Liberal Party and the Conservative People Party.

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Sweden is a monarchy and doesent have a president.

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Q: President of Denmark
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Denmark has never had a president.

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Denmark does not have a president. Denmark has a queen. Queen Margrethe II.

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Who is the prisedent of Denmark?

Denmark haven't got a president, but a prime minister.His name is Lars Løkke Rasmussen.He has been the prime minister of Denmark since the 5th of April 2009.

Who is the president of Denmark now?

Noone is. We have a queen.

How is the Danish presidential system?

Denmark does not have a president. It is a monarchy and has a King. So there is no presidential system in Denmark.

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It was in 2000, Now the president is Adolf Mc Kennedy.

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President Woodrow Wilson was president when the Virgin Islands were purchased in 1917.

Who is the king of Denmark today?

The leader of Denmark could either be the Queen of Denmark or the President of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

How is the president of Denmark selected?

There is no president; there's a Prime Minister. He or she is chosen through election by the citizens over 18.

Who rules Denmark?

Denmark is still under a Monarchy technically, but they are more for show, such as the British Monarchy. Denmark has a democratic government of elected prime minister ( I think, might be president). The democratic government makes all of the major decisions.