Anna Morris Ord is Anna's full name, but for ease Anna is often referred to as Anna Ord.
No, Anna Kavanaugh and Anna Bligh are not the same person.
Anna Sbitnaya
Anna Ehl's birth name is Anna Hetzler.
Anna Popplewell's birth name is Anna Katherine Popplewell.
Anna Paquin for The Piano.The Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress of 1993 went to Anna Paquin for her performance in "The Piano."Anna Paquin won for her role as Flora McGrath in The Piano. She was the second youngest winner at age 11.The Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress of 1993 went to Anna Paquin for her performance in "The Piano." She received the Oscar when she was 11 years, 240 days old, making her the second-youngest Oscar winner in any acting category. Tatum O'Neal won the 1973 Best Supporting Actress awardwhen she was 10 years, 148 days old.
I'm not sure how tall Tatum O'Neal and Anna Paquin were when they won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Best Suporting Actress winner Linda Hunt is only 4' 9" (1.45 m). She might be the shortest.
Anna Bremont has written: 'Oscar Wilde and his mother'
Anna and the King of Siam won the Oscar for Cinematography in 1946.
Anna and the King of Siam won the Oscar for Art Direction in 1946.
Anna & Bella won the Oscar for Short Film - Animated - in 1985.
Anna Paquin
Unfaithful Stories of Betrayal - 2011 Anna and Oscar Nwasha and Montsho was released on: USA: 23 March 2013
Anna Paquin.
The Piano (1993).
Anna from season 1