Venus Ramos is 5' 5".
Venus DeLight is 5' 4".
Delta of Venus is rated NC-17.
Yes, Venus Williams is still alive.
Venus Ramos was born on January 20, 1972, in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
WKRP, Cincinnati
Venus Flytrap was created in 1768.
No, the Venus Flytrap is not an amphibian.
Yes, the Venus Flytrap is in the understory.
Yes, a Venus Flytrap is avascular.
The Venus Flytrap's rhizomes are their roots.
Venus The Flytrap happened in 1990.
Yes, the Venus Flytrap does have chlorophyll.
No, Venus Flytrap flowers are not poisonous.
Yes you can feed a Venus Flytrap grasshoppers.
Venus Flytrap in French is: ferme le bouche.
The Venus Flytrap gets light from the sun (photosynthesis).