Thorin wanted to claim the long-forgotten treasure of the Lonely Mountain, because it had once belonged to the Dwarves, and was taken from them by the dragon Smaug. He was also the rightful king of the Lonely Mountain.
To Reclaim their stolen gold from Smaug the Dragon.
The dwarves were cheerful because they had finally taken their kingdom of the Lonely Mountain after the great dragon Smaug was defeated by the Lake men. Bilbo was unhappy because when he was back at the shire, he always wished to go back and see the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain and wander the paths of Mirkwood.
That would be the men of Laketown and the Army of the Elven King. They have taken over the area to prevent the dwarves from getting out to get food. It also prevents Dain's men from joining the group under the mountain.
The rising action of The Hobbit is when Bilbo and his band of dwarves come to the Lonely Mountain and go inside.
The mountain where the dwarves use to live before smaug came and claimed the mountain and its gold.
They are traveling to the lonely mountain.
Thorin Oakenshield lived in The Lonely Mountain, but he and the other dwarves have lived in exile since the dragon, Smaug, took the Lonely Mountain.
Thorin Oakenshield lived in The Lonely Mountain, but he and the other dwarves have lived in exile since the dragon, Smaug, took the Lonely Mountain.
They continue on their journey towards the Lonely Mountain.
Thorin wanted to claim the long-forgotten treasure of the Lonely Mountain, because it had once belonged to the Dwarves, and was taken from them by the dragon Smaug. He was also the rightful king of the Lonely Mountain.
Gimli lives with his father, Gloin, and many other dwarves in the new kingdom in the Lonely Mountain.
This would be the thrush. There were also ancient ravens around the mountain. Some of them could communicate with the dwarves.
Smaug is the dragon that has laid waste to the Lonely Mountain and terrorized Laketown for many years. He stole the dwarves' treasure that lived in the Lonely Mountain.
Wrong, he arrived in Esgaroth with the barrels containing the dwarves on his birthday.
To Reclaim their stolen gold from Smaug the Dragon.
The Arkenstone does nothing. In fact, the only reason the dwarves want it back is because it is a great treasure and a magnificent jewel. It was discovered beneath the roots of the Lonely Mountain and is also known as the heart of the mountain.