on "I break a world record" when they were doing their 'longest continuos webcast, the lady who was watching 2 make sure their webshow WAS continuos (lol), the guy who didn't blink wuz her boyfriend.
yeah that was the last episode. they never made up from there big fight in i quit icarly!i mean ya they hgged but it didnt say there pals again!
He looks like a bad boy and he collects pee wee babies (Their just like beanie babies but on Icarly their called pee wee babies).
if the boy doesn't like you, don't get into there relationship.
igo to japan, ifight shelby marx, idate a bad boy, isaved your life
i hope u didnt say obama NO
1. ifight shelby marks with decom extras and a eposode of idate a bad boy 2. ibloopers with thousands of bloopers from only icarly those are not it. the icarly movies are igo to japan and ipsycho. the 1 hour episodes are idate a bad boy ifight shelby marx and iquit icarly.
Griffens name on icarly is " Griffen" The bad boy is named Griffen.
sometime this Saturday
idate a bad boy
The bad boy from iCarly is played by actor Drew Roy. He appeared in two episodes during the show's run.
Yeah he did. He played a boy named Jake Krandel and sang on ICarly
no he didnt no he didnt
iDate a Bad Boy