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there are two whatevers

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Q: On Mr Poppers Penguin who is admiral drake and captain cook?
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Related questions

Why was sir franics drake famous?

Sir Francis drake is famous for several things , he was the admiral of the fleet, He also defeated the Spanish Armada, and he was a pirate as well as a slave ship captain.

Was Sir Francis Drake spanish?

No. Drake (1540-1596) was an English captain and explorer who circumnavigated the world from 1577 to 1580. (albeit 58 years after the first by Magellan). Drake was a vice admiral and second-in-command of the English Fleet against the Spanish Armada in 1588.

Why did Sir Francis Drake become Vice Admiral?

sir francis drake became an admiral because he was a great sailor a leader to aall men and enjoyd sailing

What is better club penguin or drake and josh?

Drake and josh, by far.

When was The Immortal Voyage of Captain Drake created?

The Immortal Voyage of Captain Drake was created on 2009-01-17.

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What were the 12 names of mr poppers penguins?

The 12 names of Mr. Popper's penguins were: Captain Cook, Nelson, Columbus, Ferdinand, Isabella, Magellan, Attila, Scott, Drake, Adelina, Galileo, and Victoria.

Where was captain drake from?

Sir Francis Drake was from Tavistock , Devon ; see relevant link .

What happened to drake from the pebble and the penguin?

He fell and then died.

When was Sir Francis Drake first a captain?

At age 24, he was made a captain of the Judith.

Who was the captain of the golden hinde?

sir Francis Drake

In 1588 what explorer helped defeat the Spanish Armada as vice admiral of his fleet?

Sir Francis Drake