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Not everything will be realistic because it will not be aceivable or possible based on known facts. When people set goals they may not all be realistic.

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Are anything Ken Wilber is saying realistic?

No. Not all of the things that Ken Wilber is saying is realistic.

What is the difference between realistic and unrealistic drama?

the drama may be realistic or non-realistic in mode of production as well as in content. staging, make up, costuming, and acting may all be handled in such away as to emphasize the realistic or the fanciful. in a realistic drama, all the events are realistic. this means that you cant find , for example, a bird watching TV or talking, but in non-realistic drama you can use such a thing to emphasize a theme or an action.

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Like all painters of his time he painted realistic pictures.

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Her best genres are realistic fiction. Mostly all her books are realistic fiction and they're really good.

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The most realistic military game currently available is ArmA2: Operation arrowhead. Dont be fooled, call of duty, battlefield bad company 2, medal of honor, those are not realistic at all

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The comparative form of realistic is more realistic

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Probably realistic fiction.

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Realistic is an adjective. If you meant adverb, realistically is the word you're looking for.