Mara Wilson who starred as Matilda in the movie of the same name.
In Bollywood She is Madhuri Dixxit
* Marilyn Monroe * Michael Jackson * Marlana Detrik (sp?) * Mickey Mantle * Michael Landon * Milton Burle
First names: Kristy Yamiguchi, Kirstie Allie, Kelly Ripa Last names: R. Kelly
Denzel Washington has that many letters in his first name.
Go on google
Bonnie Raitt
Ivana Trump
Serena (Gomez) is one...
Amy Adams
Ashton Kutcher Amy Winehouse Arnold Schwarzenager
First names: Kristy Yamiguchi, Kirstie Allie, Kelly Ripa Last names: R. Kelly
Kris Kristofferson.
Angelina Jolie Ashlee Simpson Ashley Tisdale
Denzel Washington has that many letters in his first name.
Penelope Cruz
Hanna Montana!!