Thornton Wilder's birth name is Thornton Niven Wilder.
Joan Ciccone's birth name is Joan Gustafson.
Colossus is the name of Van Wilder's dog.
Joan Blondell's birth name is Blondell, Rose Joan.
Joan Wetmore's birth name is Joan Deery.
Joan Wilder
In the movie "Romancing the Stone," the cat's name is Romeo.
The boat Angelina is a 43 foot Mason. My family bought the boat 10 years ago.
Romancing the Stone (released in 1984) starred Kathleen Turner as an author of romance novels who is secretly a lonely cat lady. The name of her character's cat is Romeo.
411 West End Ave New York
Sloan Stone (as in Stone Phillips - news anchor)
Billy Wilder's birth name is Samuel Wilder.
Thornton Wilder's birth name is Thornton Niven Wilder.
Wilder Penfield's birth name is Wilder Graves Penfield.
Bates Wilder's birth name is Christopher Bates Wilder.
Donald Wilder's birth name is Donald Arnold Wilder.