1. volume
more family feud answers? email me: gs6@sbcglobal.net
you cant
Rose McGowan On the show her name is pagie but in real life its rose something
Kiss Sleep together Argue Unwed & Share home
This was comedian Bill Dana's usual opening line on television shows like the Ed Sullivan Show, spoken with a thick Latino accent. His name at birth was William Szathmary.
It is "Smoke on the Water" by "Deep purple" - which ever idiot wrote this should be banned from answering questions ever again. Im afraid i cant tell u the name of the song, but it is DEFINATELY NOT smoke on the water
The thing I adjust the most on my TV is the channel.
The volume
volume, color, antenas, channels and picture
color and channels
Are you thinking of an antenna?
volume channels color antenna picture
On a television, you can adjust:antennabrightnesschannelscolorcontrastmy mindoff to onon to offparental controlspicturesoundvolumesoundantennachannelscolorpicture
It is something to do with the last names and a TV programme, I did hear on a quiz but cant remember the name of the show
You cant buy something at Mike's Market. Its just advertisement.
radio car tv