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I'm leaving the original answers above - however I am not sure the nature of the original question:

"stuck carrying" is a bit vague.

If you are referring to weight then Tuba, Drums, Baritone Saxophone come to mind.

If you are referring to safety - then the Bassoon comes to the front of the list

If you are referring to Tradition - Then I would say Clarinet, Saxophone, and maybe flutes. Because Marching Bands have become more known for Brass type instruments (more so since organizations like DCI have emerged where woodwind instruments are not apart of the band).

Overall though I again say I don't understand your question. The instrument you play in marching band is usually your instrument of choice (meaning you have made that decision without consideration of marching band). Your chosen instrument is usually what you would play (with the exception - in most cases - of string instruments that are not used in marching band - with some exceptions but when used are pit instruments)

A person is usually not "stuck" carrying anything.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago
A marching band is made up of a mixture of brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. Thus, the string section that would be found in a symphony is not found in a marching band. Though occasionally, a marching band will use a guitar or Bass Guitar during a field show.
In addition to that, double reed instruments, such as the Oboe and bassoon are not present within a marching band. The percussion section is also limited to snare drums, tenors, bass drums, and sometimes glockenspiels unless it is a field show in which they may include a pit which would use instruments such as xylophones and marimbas.

Some instruments still carry over, but they don't retain the same appearance. A mellophone is the same as a French horn, but shaped as a Trumpet to make it more manageable. The same thing is done with a tuba to make it a sousaphone so it is more easily carried.
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