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Trumpets: Maynard Ferguson, Pete Candoli, Ed Leddy, Sam Noto, Don Paladino, Vinnie Tanno Saxes: Skeets Herfurt, Vido Musso, Jack Nimitz, Lennie Niehaus, Bill Perkins, Spence Sinatra

Trombones: Bob Fitzpatrick, Milt Bernhardt, Carl Fontana, Don Kelly, Kent Larsen

Guitar: Ralph Blaze

Bass: Don Bagley, Curtis Counce

Drums: Mel Lewis

Timbale: Chico Guerrero

French horns: Fred Fox, Irving Rosenthal

From liner notes on the 1956 "Stan Kenton in Hi-Fi" album including about eight of the tracks from 'The Comprehensive Kenton"

That was a short list; there are many more. Jazz is a skill in performance that when practiced well- it enables great jazz musicians to fill in open positions. Stan Kenton had many great musicians who had joined him at different intervals throughout his prolific career and life.

Maynard Ferguson, Zoot Sims, Anita O'Day, June Christy, Chris Connor, Art Pepper, Pete Rugolo, Eddie Safranski, Kim Richmond, Bob Curnow, Bud Shank, Bob Glass, Tom Harrell, Gary Smulyan - there are more I'm sure. Basically if the musician was awesome and lived in the same era - they've played for Stan Kenton.

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Q: Members of Stan kenton's band
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