Yes Maria broke up with Santino why do you think they had a match last week on Raw and Santino got attack by most off the WWE Divas(lol) October 2008 Maria and Santino never dated in real life. It was storyline only.
yes,dulce maria is dating
Maria did because she had an on screen relationship with santino, and Maria thought it would be not right so they broke up. Also, Maria was cheating on punk for Cena and Morrison.
No they never did
Dulce Maria is back on dating her recent actor boyfriend Pablo Lyle
they never went out
Yes Santino marella said to Maria will you marry me and Maria said yes to Santino Marella
No! it was just a stupid storyline, i mean i love Maria she's my favorite diva ,but she did NOT love Santino and neither does Beth, Santino might've actually thought Maria was hawt, but who could think Santino was hawt? So, sorry but it was only fake.
no one at the moment but she has dated cm punk santino marella and john cena i wish she was still with cena
She Is Dating No One But Was Dating CM Punk Ages Ago In The OVW Times, And Was Not Dating Santino! It Was A Storyline
No she is not married but she used to date santino marella and dolph ziggler but those losers broke her heart.....poor maria why didn't she date john cena instead. All of the wwe fans know that cena is not gonna break maria's heart like the skunk backs did.
well why should maria not i mean john has saved maria so many times and john kissed maria befor but maria is in the wwe any more the last time the wwe universe saw maria was on June 3 2009 she got promotet on play boy becasuse of santino marella but maria said she will be back and its 2010 but i belive maria will be back soon
i guess santino merela got between them
3.santino,dolph,and cm punk
Maria is dating dolve Zingler or however you spell it