Little Weapon - Lupe Fiasco
vleeptron z
Dwayne Friend
Bohemian Rhapsody
Similar lyrics to these can be found in the song Twist and Shout by Deacon Blue.
let's have a little fun today. Yeah,yeah give a little love away
Let's have a little fun today Yeah, yeah Let's give a little laugh away
Sand Storm. It is fun with no lyrics
Michael mepurgo
Little Weapon - Lupe Fiasco
look on this website: have fun listening:)
Very little is fun about it. Today there are riverboats are on the river that have dinners and shows. That can be fun and there are casinos. People also still fish the river, but a lot of shipping moves along the river.
There are no lyrics unless you are singing.
Hot and Fun - N.E.R.D Lyrics are "look at you look at me, hot and fun" not "having fun"
friday by rebecca black
"Oh my gosh, fun day today!"