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Q: List of all the serials aired on dd metro?
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Top 10 serials on star plus 2009 in India?

ugh i hate serials all the women in idnia are obsessed with serials anyway you could search it on google

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it already did there on season 7 now but the 5th season aired September 25, 2007 a list of all ncis episodes ane when they aired is on

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All of Season 1 has aired and it ended on May 13th

How many episodes of X-Men evolution were aired in Australia?

I could not find how many were aired, though it is assumed that all four seasons aired on the Nine Network.

Which cities use the metro?

If you are talking about the car.... most any and all cities can have a metro....

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There is a few places that you can look for all the wives shows. You can try to look the shows up on Netflix.

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All Singing, All Dancing

Can metro get phone messages?

yes because i text all the time on a metro phone and it is fun

What is the definition of the serial section of the library?

The serial section in the library contains serials, which are either print or non-print publications that are regularly published in parts (or sections). For example, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, reports, yearbooks, directories, journals, and proceedings are all serials.

Why all the recent serials are not broadcasting on ndtv imagine after 13th april 2012?

Because Imagine has closed shop in India

How many metro newspaper is 1 ton?

The answer would be relative. Not all metro newspapers weigh the same.

where do you find metro center jobs?

All metro center jobs can be found at the Metro Career Center, where you can view job postings. Be sure to apply online because, Metro no longer accepts paper applications.