Lisa Wu is a bit secretive about her exact birthdate, but the day is January 23.
Lisa Wu Hartwell
Lisa Wu Hartwell has 3 sons. Two with ex-husband, R&B singer/songwriter, Keith Sweat, Jordan (b. 1995) and Justin (b. 1998), and one, Ed Jr. (b. 2007), with current husband, former NFL linebacker, Edgerton Hartwell.
Jordan and Justin - their mom is Lisa Wu Hartman from the first season of Real Housewives of Atlanta. They reside in Alpharetta, GA.
Kristy Wu was born on October 11, 1982.
Yes, Lisa Wu Hartwell's mother is from Annapolis, Maryland. Lisa Wu Hartwell is a television personality known for appearing on the reality show "The Real Housewives of Atlanta."
Between the months of January and December of 1974
A lot is known about Lisa Wu especially since she has been on reality TV. Still her birth date has yet to be announced publicly.
39 as of 2010
Keith Sweat.
Shan jatt
I'm Lisa Hartwell and I'm not married to anyone. But since I'm sure you mean Lisa Wu-Hartwell then the answer is Ed Hartwell (former NFL Linebacker) and prior to Ed was married to Keith Sweat
Keith Sweat and Ed Hartwell