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Q: Kill the beast Cut his throat Spill his blood what page of lord of the flies is this on?
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Lord of the flies chapter 9 What is the chant?

In chapter 9 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys chant "Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!" as they participate in a frenzied and violent ritual while hunting for the imagined beast. The chant reflects the boys' descent into savagery and their growing detachment from civilization and reason.

What do the hunters chant for the book the lord of the flies for the chapter of four?

Kill the beast. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.

What do the lord of the flies boys chant just as the barbecue starts?

Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!

What bloodthirsty chant becomes part of the hunting ritual in lord of the flies?

The bloodthirsty chant in "Lord of the Flies" is "Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!" It reflects the boys' growing savagery and descent into barbarism on the island.

In the Lord of the Flies what do the hunters chant?

KILL THE BEAST. CUT HER THROAT. SPILL HER BLOOD. They chant that every time they hunt or even get bloodthirsty. For example, they chant that when they attack Simon and hunt Ralph.

In Lord of The Flies what chant do the boys sing as they dance?

"Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood."

What does jack mean when he says then we will do our dance again lord of the flies?

When Jack says "then we will do our dance again" in Lord of the Flies, he is referring to the violent and primal behavior exhibited by the boys when they hunt and kill the pig. It represents the loss of civilization and descent into savagery as they abandon moral boundaries and give in to their primitive instincts.

Why do the boys do a dance and chant in chapter 9 in the lord of the flies?

The boys do a dance and chant in Chapter 9 of "Lord of the Flies" as a way to release their pent-up energy and fear. It serves as a form of group bonding and a way for them to feel a sense of power and control amidst the chaos of their situation on the island. It also foreshadows the savagery and loss of control that will escalate in later chapters.

What does the chant symbolize in Lord of the Flies?

There isn't really a meaning behind it It was just significant because it was sung every time they were killing a pig. Perhaps it symbolizes or foreshadows their gradual change to savages.

What chant do the boys sing?

The chant that the boys sing is known as "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," which is a patriotic and religious song. It is often used to show unity and support for a cause.

In lord of the flies what do the hunters do with the blood of the sow?

They didn't do anything with it. They just let it spill onto the ground.

What are jack and his hunters chanting in chapter 4 in lord of the flies?

In chapter 4 of "Lord of the Flies," Jack and his hunters chant, "Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood." This ritualistic chant reflects their descent into savagery and their increasing detachment from civilization and morality. It signifies their growing bloodlust and primal instincts taking over.