No they are not related, However they do joke about on TV saying they are.
The duration of Going Out With Alan Carr is 4 hours.
Jimmy Carr was born on September 15, 1972.
Alan Carr is 41 years old (birthdate: June 14, 1976).
Alan Carr
Louis Tomlinson (:
no they are in fact not even though jimmy talks about being related on tv
Alan Carr is openly gay.
Alan Carr was born on June 14, 1976.
Alan Carr was born on June 14, 1976.
Alan Carr was born on June 14, 1976.
The duration of Going Out With Alan Carr is 4 hours.
Jimmy Carr was born on September 15, 1972.
Jimmy Carr was born on September 15, 1972.
Going Out With Alan Carr was created on 2009-04-25.
Going Out With Alan Carr ended on 2012-03-31.
alan carr sorry not annabel
Alan Carr is a famous English comedian and television personality. Alan Carr now has his own comedy chat show known as Alan Carr: Chatty Man since 2009.