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Jewel is her real name! Her full name is Jewel Kilcher.

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Jewel Lee's birth name is Jewel Lee Hang-Chi.

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Jewel Kilcher

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Q: Jewel's real name
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Jewels, money or other valuables taken by a thief.

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The Vanderbilt jewels are real. Estimated cost of the set is around 1 million dollars.

How do you get jewels on Europe 1400?

You can either buy them online for real cash or win some by completing achievements.

Is the best jewelry website pearn fine jewels?

yes it is there all realy cheap and great quality items! a real bargain!

How important are the three jewels?

i am not a buddihst but my friend is she told me the three jewels are very important and heres why The Three Jewels are also known as the "Gachchamis". The first of these, Buddha, is stated as Buddham, sharanam, gachchami and means "I go to the feet of the Awakened One". The Buddha, as referenced in this jewel, can be taken to mean the historical Buddha, or to mean the Buddha's nature or ideal within everyone. Buddha can also be taken to mean Buddhahood or the attainment of Buddhahood, meaning finding the pinnacle of your spiritual and life potential. The name the Three Jewels or the Three Gems also comes from the Buddha, who was known as the Diamond Mind. hope that helps i spent heaps of time typing that love melkit (thats my username not my real name)

Why are jewels used in watches?

With the arrival of "The General Railroad Timepiece Standards" for a railroad watch in 1893 there was a well established relevance between the number of jewels a pocket watch possesses and its accuracy. Initially the railroad system adopted 17 jewel movements as the "minimum" necessary for the railroad watches of its conductors and engineers. By the early twentieth century many railroad companies specified 19 jewels or more. While there are watches that where made to resemble a railroad watch with less jewels, they were made as cheaper imitations for the general public. You may have noticed that there are tiny red or pink dots at various places on the bridge and pillar plate of your railroad watch. These are the jewels. This diagram illustrates the location of the jewels on a 16 size, 23 jewel Illinois "Bunn Special" railroad watch. spent heaps of time typing this love melkit (my username not my real name)