behind the mask he can hide his emotions such as fear and he can hide his tears. when he's feeling humiliated or embarassed he can hide what he's feeling
The boys don't wear masks. Jack and his tribe paint their faces with red & white clay and add black marks with charcoal. The paint acts like a mask, helping to camouflage them when they hunt the pigs but more importantly freeing them from any responsibility for their actions. While wearing the paint the boys feel free to do anything they wish with no sense of guilt, remorse or restraint.
Batman Masks cost a wide range of prices. From 5.99 for simple masks in stores such as party city, to about 39.99 for deluxe and advanced masks from websites such as urban collectors.
Masks are used for such a wide range of things. Artistically speaking, theatre is one of their prime uses. For example Japanese Noh theatre, all actors wear masks to help the audience identify their character and they express their emotions through slow, precise movements and voice. Another example if the Italian commedia dell'arte. Each performance uses masks to present which stock character is being preformed, from Pantalone to Columbine. The list goes on. Masks are a common practice in many religions. A more cultural and philosophical look on masks, as well as a healthy portion on Indian masks can be found in the related link below.
Olmec Masks
Bands that wear masks are: Slipknot Mushroomhead HollywoodUndead Gwar The Berzerker Bands who wear make-up masks Kiss Behemoth Gorgoroth Marilyn Manson Immortal Ragnarok Mayhem Alice Cooper Mudvayne Insane Clown Posse Twizted Blaze Boondox
In a heavily congested city by petrol and diesel burning vehicles, a traffic policeman or policewoman, will be breathing in the fumes for the length of their shift, and it is not very healthy. The mask and charcoal lining helps to reduce the effect.
Activated charcoal is a common component of gas masks. It is a carbon with an extremely high surface area which attracts all manner of pollutants from air and water. Pollutants do not react with the carbon but are adsorbed into the pores. Over time the activated carbon becomes thoroughly coated and it ceases to remove pollutants. However, the charcoal can be reactivated and restored to its original state by baking the charcoal with high heat, which evaporates or burns off the pollutants.
Activated charcoal is a common component of gas masks. It is a carbon with an extremely high surface area which attracts all manner of pollutants from air and water. Pollutants do not react with the carbon but are adsorbed into the pores. Over time the activated carbon becomes thoroughly coated and it ceases to remove pollutants. However, the charcoal can be reactivated and restored to its original state by baking the charcoal with high heat, which evaporates or burns off the pollutants.
Jack masks his face with coloured clays and black charcoal markings.
The cast of Death Masks - 2009 includes: Francesco Carotta as himself
It masks the effects of low blood sugar.
josh,who found himself participating in a group that was setting cars on fire
Activated charcoal typically comes in powder or capsule form for oral consumption. It can also be found in topical products like face masks and soaps for skin care purposes.
The cast of All My Heroes Still Wear Masks - 2002 includes: Kevin Kjonaas as (Himself)
No. No gas masks contain asbestos. The filters do. While some, very early filters do, the filters which come with GP-7s don't. If you have a filter with ГП-5 on it, then you do not need to worry about asbestos. What is problematic is that they contain activated charcoal, which CAN be harmful if the cotton seals on the filter were to break.
Peach pits were used during World War I as filter for their gas masks. They would soack them in urine and make a special charcoal out of them that was used for the mask.
it the masks help to try to create the character more and builds the character up/