no because dumb Sergio got yumma pergenat and now yumma is with her baby alone and dumb Sergio is being drunk and lazy and going out and not buying the baby something
Sergio Kato's birth name is Sergio Luiz Pereira.
Sergio Pazos's birth name is Pazos Huete, Luis Sergio.
Sergio Michel is 5' 10".
Sergio Dorantes was born in 1946.
Sergio Fascetti was born in 1958, in Italy.
apples are yumma -moneymaker
In episode 45
apples are yumma -moneymaker
Sergio Abreu goes by Sergio Abreu.
Sergio Corbucci went by The other Sergio.
Sergio Kato's birth name is Sergio Luiz Pereira.
Sergio DeFassio's birth name is Sergio Desfassiaux.
Sergio Manzo's birth name is Sergio Hernandez.
Sergio Salerno's birth name is Sergio Farina.
Sergio Blass's birth name is Sergio Gonzlez.
Sergio Gobbi's birth name is Enrich, Sergio.