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yh we probz r coz da more songs dere is talkin bout drugs nd sex for us its like promotion oh Adam deacons talkin bout shankin nd dat so if sumbodii out of adulthood can do it (wich is a film all teens ave watched) y cant we? and weve all got our "sets" of music goth rock grime<<da best in a way music makes us who we r coz we look up 2 people like chipmunk plan b n-dubz jme lady sovereign! she da best tellin us dere life stori nd if they do it like that and bcome hu dey r y cnt we

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Q: Is youth influenced by music
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Music appealed to youth in the 1960's for the same reason that music appeals to youth now. It had a message that the kids could relate to.

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The cast of Youth and Music - 1956 includes: Ed McGibbon as Narrator

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Micheal Jackson influenced JLS.

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I think that teens that did music can influenced her and her dad