The Weird jamal ......he is so gay that why he never had a girlfriend...
Maybe? But He's Weird.
hi im Patrick and i was doing research and he was born 23 october 1959 at los angeles, lynwood.
Try New Hampshire.
it was My Bolonga (Parody on "My Sharona")
for two reesons, he is good at it, and if he doesn't, he's out of a job
Smells Like Nirvana"
Yes. Some famous male vegans are: Weird Al Yancovic, Woody Harrelson, Dan Piraro, Dennis Kucinich and Bryan Adams.
He is not gay, but he is vegan.
well theres more then just ONE good videoon youtube but if your looking for alittle bit of everything like humor,horror and almost everything else type in sarahmoviemaker she is the best! and she also has a like page on facebook so yeah... DONT FROGET TO SUBSCRIBE!
Oh, dude, I see what you did there! You're talking about "Weird Al" Yankovic's famous song "867-5309/Jenny" where he sings about a phone number. But like, in real life, Weird Al's number is probably super private, you know? So, unless you're Jenny, you're out of luck trying to get his digits!
yes weird al has a daughter
Yes, weird al is a christian.
Weird Al is Serbian, English and Italian.
I think it's Weird Al.