In Russian "gay" is the same - "gay".
Yes, he is totally gay. You can just tell. I'm gay and I can tell when other people are gay, and Maury is gay.
He's not gay. I think people who think he's gay are gay. No offence.
of course he is not gay. Steve has a wife. how can he be gay??? but he is dating the loser Ryan burns who is also gay
Is snot kop gay
answer me
Ven Gethenian's birth name is Ven Hosky.
my dad is riding a ven
You can't be ven. You can only be roxas.
roxas is so much cooler then ven
Ven Findlay has written: 'Shaded by'
The second syllable - ven - is stressed.
Ven Te Chow was born in 1919.
Ven's main Keyblade is known as the Wayward Wind.
Ven- means vein