No!!!!!!! Valy Hedjasi is not married! Valy is currently single.
- Valy was engaged to a KABULI girl like the usual Herati guys dumps them. But he is now single and ready to mingle like a European gigolo.
valy is actually from Afghanistan
Valy is 24 years old (birthdate: May 29, 1986).
Valy made the 'Bia Tu' music video and never thought he would become famous from it so he didnt try. But the studio who recorded the video desided to put it on Youtube and from there sooo many people loved it and it became an instant hit. One perticular viewer of the Youtube video was from an Afghan TV Station and aired Valy's BIA TU video on TV. From there he became and over night success and the TV host contacted Valy and received his other songs to air on TV and download to Youtube. From there he became the most popular Afghan singer :)
Valy Verde was born on October 12, 1970, in Toulouse, France.
Randy Orton is married to Samatha HHH is married to Stephanie Kofi is married Swagger is married Undertaker is married to Michelle Kane is married John cena is married to Liz Ted is married Mark Henry is married Booker T is married Christian is married Kevin Nash is married Rey Mysterio is married Tyler Rekks is married R-truth is married Big Show is married
valy is actually from Afghanistan
hedjasi .........valy hedjasi
Valy was born on May 29, 1986.
The population of Valy - Cheb District - is 420.
Valy Arnheim's birth name is Appel, Valentin..
The area of Valy - Cheb District - is 4,280,000.0 square meters.
Valy Arnheim died on November 11, 1950, in Berlin, Germany.
he is the afghan singer
No, he is an afghan.
Vali was born in Tiruchi, in Tamil Nadu, India.
Valy Arnheim was born on June 8, 1883, in Waldau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
no valy is actually 22 or 23 years old my friend went to hus concert his single too. at the moment