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Yes, typically using any kind of recording device is illegal in a movie theater however there are times when a teleprompt for the hard of hearing or visually impaired is allowed.

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Q: Is using a telesync in a movie theater considered illegal?
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Is it illegal to say "fire" in a movie theater?

No, it is not illegal to say "fire" in a movie theater, but it is highly discouraged as it can cause panic and potentially harm others.

Is video taping a movie in a movie theater illegal?

Yes, because it is known as copyright infringement

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Yes, sneaking into another movie without a ticket is considered theft of services and is illegal. Movie theaters rely on ticket sales for revenue, so sneaking in deprives them of that income.

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Seeing movies online that are in the movie theater is illegal. This act could result in prison time.

Is a movie theater considered retail?

its leisure industry

Is it legal for you to download a personal copy of a movie that was recorded from a theater?

No. It is very much illegal.

How do i play to play and use telesync files on my computerive tried ts codecs but none worked please help me?

Try VLC media player from it has all the codecs already and should play any Telesync files. Also as a side note, Telesync is not the file format but how it was captured. Telesync refers to a camera that video taped a movie screen while using a hearing impaired jack for external audio. It is most likely an .avi file.

What is TS Rip movie?

A telesync (TS)[1] is a bootleg recording of a film recorded in a movie theater, often (although not always) filmed using a professional camera on a tripod in the projection booth, the audio of a TS is captured with a direct connection to the sound source (often an FM microbroadcast provided for the hearing-impaired, or from a drive-in theater). Sometimes the bootlegger will tape or conceal wireless microphones close to the speakers for better sound quality.

Is it illegal to yell out fire in a movie theater?

Not if it's true. Your early warning could help save innocent lives.

Is it illegal to yell fire in a crowded movie theater?

Not if it's true. Your early warning could help save innocent lives.

Is flixster legal?

If you don't pay to watch the full length movies, then it is ILLEGAL. But if you are skeptical about this, then turn to a Constable or employee at a movie theater.

What is a TSRiP?

A telesync (TS)[1] is a bootleg recording of a film recorded in a movie theater, often (although not always) filmed using a professional camera on a tripod in the projection booth, the audio of a TS is captured with a direct connection to the sound source (often an FM microbroadcast provided for the hearing-impaired, or from a drive-in theater). Sometimes the bootlegger will tape or conceal wireless microphones close to the speakers for better sound quality.this is a TSRiP...