Yes, Tom Hardy married to Sarah Ward in 1999 Yes, Tom Hardy married to Charlotte Riley in 2014
He is Bi. He had gay flings in his teens. and he tells in an intervieuw that some things in his sexlife he could only get from homosexual men. and only gay men would understand his shoe fetish.
WTH? He doesn't say anything about a "shoe fetish" in that interview. He mentions gay men will get his "thing for shoes" implying he likes to shop. I doubt he's even Bi, he merely experimented as a boy with other boys - like we all have.
how much does tom hardy weigh nov. 2013
Jeff Hardy is not gay he is married to some chick named beth and they have a spog apparently.
Tom Riddle Sr. married Merope, Marvolo Gaunt's daughter. Tom Riddle Jr. (A.K.A. Voldemort) never married. is a little know fact that Stan laurel is his god father too.
he was shaving and jerking it at the same time, and well you know...
Tom Hardy married to Sarah Ward in 1999 Tom Hardy married to Charlotte Riley in 2014
Tom Hardy married to Sarah Ward in 1999 Tom Hardy married to Charlotte Riley in 2014
Tom Hardy was born on September 15, 1977
Yes, Tom Hardy has 3 kids.
Tom Hardy is a/an Actor,producer,model
Tom Hardy has 3 children
Tom Hardy was born on September 15, 1977.
Tom Hardy - designer - was born in 1946.
Tom Hardy was born on September 15, 1977.
Tom Hardy was born on September 15, 1977
No Jeff hardy is not married. where did you get that from?
Tom Hardy has a total of twenty known tattoos.