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Yes because boys are more rambunctious than girls.

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Jesse Barbosa

Lvl 2
3y ago
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13y ago

You could count up all the families

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13y ago

Yes . Most definitely .

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Jesse Barbosa

Lvl 2
3y ago

Yes I was one. So I know

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Jesse Barbosa

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Q: Is there more little sisters or little brothers in the world?
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Donnie has three more brothers than sisters How many more brothers than sisters does his sister Marie have?

Marie has 4 brothers. Therefore she has 4 more brothers than sisters.

Why men are more protective of brothers but not protective of sisters?

because for men, bonding with their little brothers is one of the best. Because of the same gender, interests & hobbies. unlike if men have sisters, they're interests are different that's why men would prefer to have brothers than sisters.

Why in general sisters care about brothers but brothers are least concerned with sisters?

Brother's do care more for brothers because they feel that brothers would practically in situations wherein sisters react emotionally.

How do you say i wish i had more siblings in English?

Exactly as you have said it: I wish I had more siblings. You might also hear something like "I wish I had more brothers and sisters." The word "siblings" is not as common in casual conversation as saying "brothers", "sisters", or "brothers and sisters".

Are sisters more annoying then brothers?

no, brothers are SO MUCH worse

Rachel has 6 more brothers then she has sisters but her brother Ryan has 4 more sisters if there are fewer then 10 children in the family how many boys and girls are there?

4 sisters and 6 brothers

Did Francis Crick have brothers or sisters?

Yes, he had a brother named A.F. Crick who is a doctor. He might have more brothers and sisters.

Why brothers care more about brothers but don't care at all about sisters?

Bros before hoes even if she is your sister, girls grow to think that the world is hers, males don'like that

Who does she like more from her sisters and brothers?

who are you talking about Stacey solomann well she likes her sisters way more as she go clubbing with them

How many brothers and sisters for Swami Vivekananda?

he had 2 older brothers and 1 younger find out more go to How_many_brothers_and_sisters_did_Mahatma_Gandhi_have

Do Dyle and Cole Sprouse have any more brothers and sisters?


A brother has as many brothers as sisters but a sister has as half as many sisters as brothers How many boys and girls is their in total?

brother has as many sisters so more than one sister so sister be two,a brother has as many brothers as sisters so brother should be more than two ,so three brothers.therefore totalmembers in the family is 1(brother)+3(brothers)+1(sister)+2(sisters)=4(brothers)+3(sisters)He has 1 brother and one sister 1+1 =2