sadly they are not doing a smackdown vs raw 2010 i have e-mailed thq and they said they have no plans to do a sequel ---- what are you talkin about!? of course there's gonna be a smackdown vs raw 2010! go on google and look at the image of the cover. it has John Cena, undertaker, randy orton, edge, and Rey Mysterio on it! and from what the people at GameStop said when i reserved it, it comes out october 12 or 13!
no becaus ea disc dose not have enough meory or space to put on the thousands and thousand of wrestlers there has been.and anyway there will only be the 2009 roster on it because it is coming out in December 2009 so they cant read the future.they probably finished making the actual game like in June but they are just waiting till it gets closer to 2010
Trish Stratus is not in SmackDown vs. Raw 2009.
Yes they will be in Smackdown vs Raw 2010 in a black outfit
No. In the PSP. Smackdown vs raw doesn't had a superstar threads.
figure it out
SmackDown vs Raw 2011 is the last game, and it was released October 26, 2010 in USA and October 29 in Europe. They're also making SmackDown vs Raw 2012, which will probably be out in November 2011.
yeah smackdown vs raw 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes there will be
yea well daw if there is a Smackdown Vs Raw 2009 there is probably going to be a Smackdown Vs Raw 2010.
Most likely because they have had Raw vs. smackdown since 2000 and so forth.
not yet told
Yes, Jeff Hardy is going to Smack Down vs Raw 2010
Batista is on Smackdown VS Raw, Smackdown VS Raw 2008, Smackdown VS Raw 2007 Smackdown VS Raw 2009, Smackdown VS Raw 2010 and will be in Smackdown VS RAW 2011 and so on...
He is not in Smackdown vs Raw 2010.
Smackdown vs. Raw