Contact was a movie interpretation of Carl sagans ideas on what initial contacts between us and extra terrestrials would be like. Carl Sagan never envisioned a continuing story to go with the idea so unless Hollywood someday invests a fake story behind it then there is no point in a sequal.
yes they have confirmed that they are going to have a second clique movie based on he book. but if you want to act in it its probably to late. the movie comes out early 2011 and they are probably hav sarted filming it. sryy signed, hopefully soon to be actress
they are going to watch a movie
it has not yet i think I'll get back to you on that ♥♥kaitlyn brown♥♥ Winx Club: The Magic is Back (movie 2) is most likely going to come out in 2012-2013. Winx Club 2: Magical Adventure 3D is most likely going to come out in 2012-2013.
yes they filmed a movie
is there going to be a minutemen 2 movie? not that I know of but more on the no Sid
if you want it the author
Yes there is going to be Fred the movie 2 go to Lucas Cruikshank on wikepedia it says hes gonna be in Fred the movie 2
no, the movie mockingjay is going to be in 2 parts.
No, there isn't going to be a movie of Superman Returns 2, BUT there is going to be a movie about him and more friends called "Man of steel" that is coming out on June 2013.
it is going to be out on the ju 2 2010