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French Song, or Au Clair de la Lune

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hot cross buns, on the recorder

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Q: Is there a song using AAA bbb ggg gagg?
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What are the notes on the recorder to play Marry had a littlelamb?

Baga bbb aaa bbb baga bbb aaba g :)

How do you play songs on recorder using b a g?

B= top hole A= second hole G= third hole Mary had a little lamb BAGA BBB AAA BBB BAGA BBB AA BAG

What is the notes to Marry had a little had a little lamb on recorder starting with baga?

Bbb aaa Bbb baga Bbb aabg

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What are the notes to marry had a little lamb on a recorder using only b a g?

bagabbb aaa b (dd) baga bbb baabag

What are the Jingle Bells notes for alto sax?

I played this at my school concert it is really bbb bbb'bdgab-cccc cbb baab ad' bbb bbb'bdgab-cccc cbb'ddcag-

What are the notes to a song on the recorder only using the note b a and g?

These are some songs on the recorder only using notes B, A and GHot cross buns, Gently sleep, and Merrily we Roll AlongPlay these notes accordingly,Hot cross buns (Notes):BAG BAG GGGG AAAA BAGMerrily we Roll Along (Notes):BAGA BBB AAA BBB BAGA BBB AABAGGently Sleep (Notes):GAB AGA BAG GBA GAB AGA BAG GBA

Mary had a little lamb on recorder?

im just a kid litterly a kid any way first key... BAGA BBB AAA BBB BAGA BBB BAGABAG............ Well enjoy :)

How do you do Mary had a little lamb on recorder?

B a g a bbb aaa b high dd b a g a bbb AA b a g

How do you Mary had a little lamb on a recorder?

B a g a bbb aaa b high dd b a g a bbb AA b a g

How do you play Mary had a little lamb on a recorder?

B a g a bbb aaa b high dd b a g a bbb AA b a g

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A bond with a AAA rating would generally be expected to be less expensive than a bond with a BBB rating. This is because the AAA rating indicates higher creditworthiness and lower risk of default, making it more attractive to investors. As a result, AAA-rated bonds typically offer lower interest rates.