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Q: Is there a character called Helen Witherstone in the Harry Potter books?
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There isn't a character called Irius in Harry Potter.

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There is not a character called Loella in Harry Potter.

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There is no character in Harry Potter called Ruth.

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Sinatra is not a character in the Harry Potter series. There is a character called Aurora Sinistra who taught Astronomy.

Is there a character called Maddie in Harry Potter?

No there isn't.

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There is no character, actor or crew member called Annabeth Potter involved with the Harry Potter movies.

What famous character is called Hermione?

The character that is widely popular by the name of Hermione is from Harry Potter. His full name is called Hermione Geranger. He is in many of the Harry Potter movies.

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The Harry Potter character is called "Hermione".

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There is no character named 'Milford' in Harry Potter.

Is there a character called Filch in Wuthering Heights?

No there isn't. There is a character called Filch in the Harry Potter books.

When did Harry Potter start acting and how?

Harry Potter isn't an actor. He is the head of the Auror department. * The actor who played the fictional character Harry Potter, is called Daniel Radcliffe.

Will Harry Potter get marry with tzini wesley?

No, there is no character called 'tzini wesley' in Harry Potter. But if you mean Ginny Weasley, then yes Harry does marry her.