Ryu is the boss in American Dad vs Family Guy kung - fu 2 turbo hyper mega edition.
American Dad
Wrong show, Francine joins the Ladybugs on "American Dad"
Carrie Fisher
Peter Griffin is the father in Family Guy.
The character Lizzy voiced a random character in Chick Cancer but she's mostly voiced Debbie on American Dad and Patricia Donner on an episode of The Cleveland Show
Your question is phrased wrong so assuming you mean "Was American Dad created by the same team that created Family Guy"The answer... No.Seth MacFarlane (obviously) created both Family Guy and American Dad, but Mike Barker & Matt Weitzman were executive producers on Family Guy but they did not create Family Guy.
People still voting family guy, American dad, and simpsons i don't no if southpark is in it.But so far 1st is family guy and American dad i see how family guy is funny but American dad i don't get really same animation but i just don't get it.So i think its family guy and American dad.
Family guy,and American dad.
There is no Joe in American Dad, there is in Family Guy. His last name is Swanson.
Thousands of people "make" the episodes of Family Guy & American Dad. There are far too many to list. If by chance you mean who created the shows. Seth MacFarlane created both of them. He along with David Zuckerman created Family Guy and He & Mike Barker & Matt Weitzman created American Dad.
American dad and the clevland show
"Funny" or "Better" are too subjective to really provide a definitive answer for this question. It simply depends on your sensibilities, taste and what you find funny.Now if 20 people vote Family Guy & 10 vote American Dad, it could suggest that Family Guy is preferred over American Dad but that still doesn't necessarily mean it IS funnier.
What are you asking, who is not letting you watch Family Guy and American Dad? If someone is preventing you from watching these two shows, you should ask THEM why they aren't letting you watch them. No one can tell you the motivations of a secondary person.
watch family guy or american dad man
My personal top three are:- The Simpsons, then Family Guy and American Dad !
American Dad
No he doesn't have anything to do with family guy. He was guest starring on American Dad. Also, he is on Dirty Jobs on Discovery Channel.