kick them in the shin and when they lean over slap them in the face
Slap It - Fluke song - was created in 2001.
its "slap HER on the a**" its "slap HER on the a**"
The Slap Maxwell Story ended on 1988-06-08.
"Slap and Tickle" is a British euphemism for sexual activity. it is also known as SEX woooooooooooooooooooo!
Yes but on tv real website is diffrent not as cool
yes it is
I dont think so
no isn't a real website. if you type the address into the search bar the nickalodeon website will appear.
No, that's just stupid, if you search that again i will slap you .......... in your sleep.
In the old days a slap was to get a person's attention, such as if they were acting hysterically. Or to pay them for an insult they'd just given. Or to announce that there was to be a duel. The slap was so as to not cause real damage physically. In our modern understanding, you should neither hit or slap.
sorry dude , they dnt exist. i wondered where to get one when i watched cat valentine freaking out on the slap. they DO look real though
slap them in the face and dunk their head in a bucket of cold water painful but effective
The word for the sound of a slap is "smack" or "slap."
Because sometimes they like to express their gayness.
You can't.
It means to slap you continuously, like to slap repeatedly.