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Yes you can also become a member you chat with victorias cast members

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Q: Is the slap real
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Is the the slap is real?

Yes but on tv real website is diffrent not as cool

Is the slap dot com from victorious real?

yes it is

Do real NCIS agents slap heads?

I dont think so

Is the slap a real website?

no isn't a real website. if you type the address into the search bar the nickalodeon website will appear.

Is it true that zombies are real?

No, that's just stupid, if you search that again i will slap you .......... in your sleep.

What is accomplished with the slap in the face of a person that a strong punch with a fist would not accomplish better?

In the old days a slap was to get a person's attention, such as if they were acting hysterically. Or to pay them for an insult they'd just given. Or to announce that there was to be a duel. The slap was so as to not cause real damage physically. In our modern understanding, you should neither hit or slap.

Is pear phones real?

sorry dude , they dnt exist. i wondered where to get one when i watched cat valentine freaking out on the slap. they DO look real though

How can you get someone sober real fast?

slap them in the face and dunk their head in a bucket of cold water painful but effective

What is the word for the sound of a slap?

The word for the sound of a slap is "smack" or "slap."

Does anyone have the real researched answer as to why football players slap each other on the ass?

Because sometimes they like to express their gayness.

How can you slap yourself on the slap?

You can't.

What does slap you silly mean?

It means to slap you continuously, like to slap repeatedly.