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Q: Is the overriding traits of classicism in music and art are balance and clarity of structure?
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Which artistic movement stresses the balance and clarity found in Greco-Roman art and architecture?


How did beethoven bridge classicism and romanticism?

Beethoven's music exhibits elements of both classicism and romanticism. He took the structural clarity and form of classical music and infused it with emotional depth, passion, and individual expression characteristic of the romantic era. By pushing the boundaries of traditional forms and expressing profound emotions in his music, Beethoven helped to bridge the gap between classicism and romanticism.

What does Parallel structure warn repetition?

Parallel structure helps maintain clarity and balance in writing by using consistent grammatical patterns. It warns against repetition by ensuring that similar ideas are presented in a similar manner, making the text more cohesive and easier to follow for the reader.

What important late romantic composer responded to the unbridled emotionalism of romanticism with a return to a vienesse claccicism?

One important late romantic composer who responded to the unbridled emotionalism of romanticism with a return to Viennese classicism was Johannes Brahms. He sought to combine the rich harmonies and emotional depth of the Romantic era with the structural clarity and formal balance of the Classical period in his compositions.

When do you use Parallel language structure?

Parallel language structure is used to create balance and clarity in writing by presenting ideas in a consistent and parallel manner. It is commonly used in lists, comparisons, and to emphasize relationships between elements in a sentence or paragraph. By maintaining a parallel structure, the reader can easily follow and understand the connections between ideas.

What is the nature of the influence of classicism on Neo-classicism?

Neoclassicism was a reaction against the excesses of the Baroque and Rococo styles, seeking to revive the principles and aesthetics of classical antiquity. It drew inspiration from classical architecture, sculpture, and literature, emphasizing simplicity, order, and proportion. Neoclassical artists sought to capture the rationality and clarity of ancient Greek and Roman art while adapting it to contemporary tastes and ideals.

What might the order represent to Tennyson?

In Tennyson's poetry, order may symbolize stability, harmony, and a sense of control in a chaotic world. It could also represent the balance and structure that provide a foundation for understanding and meaning in life. Additionally, order could reflect the poet's desire for clarity and structure in his exploration of themes such as nature, mortality, and the human experience.

Are there different periods of baroque art?

Yes, but I'm no historian.ChronologicallyProto-Baroque (Late Mannerist)-involves Mannerist sentiments, but less idealized figures.Early Baroque - very naturalistic, a la CaravaggioHigh Baroque - "sensuousness of colourism" Rubens, Buernico, Cortona, Bernini, BorominiBaroque Classicism - order, clarity, composure. Roots in Rome in 1630's. again Rubens, Cortona, also Andrea Sacchi, ValezquezLate Baroque - "Louis XIV style" a decorative reworking of classicism and it's vocabulary

Why do writers like Emerson and Thoreau use parallelism in their writing?

to emphasize certain points

What literary movement values logic clarity balance restraint and respect for tradition?

The literary movement that values logic, clarity, balance, restraint, and respect for tradition is Neoclassicism. Neoclassical writers sought to emulate the principles of ancient Greek and Roman literature, emphasizing rationality and order in their works. This movement arose in response to the perceived excesses of the Baroque period.

What is the purpose of coordination in writing?

Coordination in writing helps to connect ideas and create smooth, logical transitions between different parts of a sentence. It allows for the joining of equal elements such as words, phrases, or clauses to show their relationship and importance. Coordination also helps to balance the structure of a sentence and improve its clarity and readability.

What is the favorite genre of Neoclassical writers?

Neoclassical writers favored genres such as satire, epic poetry, and moral essays. They emphasized balance, order, and reason in their works, drawing inspiration from classical Greek and Roman literature. This focus on rationality and structure reflected the Neoclassical writers' belief in the importance of intellectual rigor and clarity in literature.