I think anything with the movie KILLER is just.... why??? It kills your brain and imagination. You might think I'm stupid. the movie certainly has it's thrills. Maybe once in a while those movies are good to watch. overall it's an okay movie.
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon... I was just trying to remember this movie also. Good watch.
The killer is Kenny Hampson, the boy they played the prank on at the very beginning of the movie. You know, the skinny little geeky guy?
You may be thinking of the made for t.v. movie called "Cabin by the Lake" with Judd Nelson playing the killer. Give it a go.
The duration of Killer Movie is 1.52 hours.
Killer Movie was created on 2008-04-24.
The movie is simply called Driller Killer, released in 1979.
spoon killer
One person left the last one in the state killer at 3:00 123 murder me killer in the middle of town shh...theres a killer around the corner slayer of the night
The movie Evidence is a 2013 film about a detective that hunts down a killer using video footage shot by the victims. The name of the killer in the movie is not stated online.
That killer was the Zodiac.
No, but he became a killer
There is a horror movie from 1977 about a killer alligator called 'Eaten Alive' And there is a 2007 Australian movie about a killer crocodile called 'Black Water'.
The killer in Scream is known as Ghostface. In the movie he is a serial killer, but he is a fictional character.
There were many male persons in the movie Scream.The character of the killer is The Ghostface Killer, or Mr. Ghostface.
Johnny Grimes was the killer in the movie "Room 13" He was played by Taylor Goligoski.