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NO. No, its a fake. No, its a fake.

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Q: Is the movie Freddie vs Jasen real?
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Was the last Freddie krugar movie Freddie vs Jason?

yes but they're supost to make freddy vs Jason 2 since at the end of freddy vs Jason, Jason comes out the water with freddies and you see freddy wink at the screen.

Who played Freddie krueger in Freddie vs Jason?

Robert Englund.

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no it's not real because there is no movie by that name

What actors and actresses appeared in Nosferatu vs Freddie - 2013?

The cast of Nosferatu vs Freddie - 2013 includes: Alex Pachon as Nosferatu Wilda Wahnwitz as No Blood for Oil representative

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no they don't exist. I'm moshimonstersis amazing, and I'm adding onto this answer saying I've seen a movie with an evil leprechaun in it, but that movie chucky vs leprechaun never heard of it so no it's not real.

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Is Freddy vs Jason hellraised real?

freddy vs Jason hellraised is a fan made movie which is now on youtube to watch. i would love to see this film be made.

Who cuts freddies head off?

In the movie Freddy vs. Jason, at the end when the fight is over, Jason Vorhees ( Friday the 13th ) slices Freddie's head clean off. But as it turns out, Freddy is not actually dead.

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Real vs Barca

Who won the fight between Freddie vs Jason?

Jason won becaose he choped his head off

Is there a Chucky vs Leprechaun movie?

No. There was never going to be a Chucky vs Leprechaun movie.

Is feddie's face all makeup in Freddie vs Jason?

Yes. Freddy's burned face is prosthetic makeup.