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No your heart isn't your biggest muscle, The Gluteus Maximus is (Butt muscle). Another crazy fact is your tongue is your strongest muscle and your skin is your largest organ.

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Q: Is the heart the biggest muscle?
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What is the biggest muscle that pumps the blood through the body?

the heart

Is there any muscle in the respiratory system?

You are thinking of the thoracic diaphragm.

What does heart muscle mean?

Your heart is a muscle. It is also called the myocardium. The muscle cells in the heart muscle are called myocardiocytes.

What type of muscle is the heart made off?

the heart is made out of a special type of muscle called cardiac muscle

What muscle makes the heart pump?

The heart is a muscle.

What kind of muscle the heart?

The heart is a cardiac muscle

Is The biggest muscle in your body is your bum?

The biggest muscle in your body is Gluteus Maximus, so no your "bum is not the biggest"

What is muscle layer of the heart?

The muscle layer of the heart is the myocardium (or cardiac muscle).

Is the heart made of smooth muscle?

The heart is a muscle so the heart is made of the cardiac muscle.

Why is the heart made mostly of muscle tissue?

The heart IS a muscle.

Another name for the heart muscle?

The muscle of your heart MUSCLE would be your heart.

What energy is needed to move muscles?

in fact no but do you do you know which is your biggest muscle itis your butt really everyone thought that it was your heart but it isn'tits the butt.