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His official site is www.vijaysfan.com . It is rumored that he is making this his personal site through fans in London.
The Miami Herald slants Left. Their editorial cartoonist Jim Morin is a partisan liberal. However, the Herald does not offer a partisan conservative cartoonist.
The Huffington Post was created to be a liberal version of the Drudge Report (a conservative news site). It is a news site as well as a content collection blog.
Daily KOS generally receives reviews that reflect the political ideology of the person reviewing them. Markos Moulitsas (the site takes its title from the second syllable of his first name) founded the blog in 2002 as a site supporting a fairly liberal, Democratic Party-leaning news and viewpoints site. Persons of more centrist and moderate views may review the site as hit-and-miss for the strong liberal bias of the viewpoints presented at Daily Kos. Persons who regularly vote Republican and self-identify as conservatives are likely to review the site in a very negative way.
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I suggest you have a look at the Liberal Democrats web site (link below).
Are you asking if the site if politically conservative? If so, then no. WikiAnswers is building a database of questions and answers made in a wiki format. It does not pledge loyalty to any political party or group.
The owner of the Metro Times daily dating site is the company named Metro Times. Its a daily dating site and popular among youngsters. The site offer dating facility for the people looking for friends online.
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Oddly enough it is not. It is a forum for conservatives to spread their take on the world. It seems to be information filtered through the glasses of conservatism. Much like Fox News vs MSNBC (conservative politics vs liberal politics) it is merely a website boasting a standpoint. While I would not use their articles as unbiased report, I would use them as informative and an insight into how today's conservative culture is seeing the world around them.**But I do know that the more liberal one is in their world view the more of a joke it will seem, and vice versa.**Also, note that the site generally is Conservative from a religious and social standpoint, not a political one (though, the distinction can be hard to make). That is, the site concentrates on social and religious conservatism, not economic or political (theory) conservatism.
SNL digital shorts are comedic or musical shorts created for popular television programme Saturday Night Live. Free videos can be found at NBC's website or at The Daily Beast site.
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