As of January 2013:
Georg Ludwig von Trapp: April 4, 1880 - May 30, 1947
Wife 1: Agathe Whitehead: ?, 1891 - September 3, 1922
Wife 2: Maria Augusta Kutschera: January 26, 1905 - March 28, 1987
Rupert von Trapp: November 1, 1911 - February 22, 1992
Agathe von Trapp: March 12, 1913 - December 28, 2010
Maria Franziska von Trapp: August 28, 1914 - still living
Werner Ritter von Trapp: December 21, 1915 - October 11, 2007
Hedwig von Trapp: July 28, 1917 - September 14, 1972
Johanna von Trapp: September 7, 1919 - November 25, 1994
Martina von Trapp: February 17, 1921 - February 25, 1951
Rosemarie von Trapp: February 8, 1929 - still living
Eleonore von Trapp: May 14, 1931 - still living
Johannes von Trapp: January 17, 1939 - still living
Frau Schmidt
Robin Trapp's birth name is Robin Lynne Trapp.
Rosemarie Trapp's birth name is Rosmarie von Trapp.
Wolfgang Trapp was born on 1957-08-01.
Valarie Trapp was born in Camden, in South Carolina, USA. Her birthdate is unknown, but she started her acting career in 1986.
The Trapp Family was created in 1956.
The Trapp Family Lodge is located in Stowe, Vermont. The complete physical address for the Trapp Family Lodge is 700 Trapp Hill Rd., Stowe, VT 05672.
The Story of the Trapp Family Singers was created in 1949.
georg von trapp
Considered to be the second most successful movie of all time, just behind Gone With the Wind The Von Trapp family bought a lodge in Stowe. This is still owned and operated by descendants of the Von Trapp family and you can still see it today.
Agathe Trapp has written: 'The ancestors of the \\' -- subject(s): Genealogy, Trapp Family Singers
The von Trapp family is famous for appearing in "The Sound of Music." The movie is based on the real life of the von Trapp family. "The Sound of Music" starred Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer.
the Von Trapp family
It is based of a true story, the story of the Von Trapp family. There is a book written by the real Maria Von Trapp, called the Von Trapp family singers
The movie's von Trapp family in "The Sound of Music" is similar to the real-life von Trapp family in that both were musical, experienced political turmoil in Austria, and ultimately fled the country to escape the Nazis. However, the movie took some artistic liberties and altered certain elements of their story for dramatic effect.
her family.
Frau Schmidt