Singer vitas Is married 11.07.2006 One of the most mysterious executors of domestic stage decided to put an end to unmarried life. 27-year Vitas (on the passport Vitalius grachev) is married its loyal to girl friend 22-year Svetlana.
No, Vitas is not gay. He is married to a woman named Svetlana, has been for several years, and I believe he has some children. While he may design clothing and act somewhat flamboyant in videos and during live performances, he is simply very confident in his abilities, and is aware of his good looks. I believe his enigmatic and enthusiastic disposition is what causes some people to suspect him to be, for lack of a better term, "light in the loafers." But he is indeed straight, on and off stage.
100 billion
Zvonko Demirovic is a very popular term popularized on the YouTube website. It is unclear as to whether it relates to a Russian song title or Russian singer.
Vitas is an amazing singer, composer, actor, and fashion designer from Russia who is becoming world famous. Extremely well-known and popular in Russia and Asia, he is gaining popularity throughout the world at a rapid pace. Much of his popularity has spread via the internet. He has an interconnected world-wide fan base and is extremely loved for his incredible talent, energetic performances, physical and spiritual beauty. Vitas is an extremely versatile talent who performs many genres including classical opera, techno, pop, ballad, and traditional folk with equal expertise. It has been reported that he has up to a five octave range. Certainly, he sings from bass to the whistle range. He is fresh and unique. Even his wardrobe is eclectic-including elegant sequined suits and futuristic costumes of his own design. All this talent combined with a sunny, charming, and slightly eccentric personality make Vitas one of the most interesting and watchable performers of the century.
Yes, he has one daughter, Alla.
Yes. In 2009 Russian singer Vitas covered his countertenor version of "Nessun Dorma" (from the opera "Turandot"). The song also gave born to his fourth program, Sleepless night (ended in 2011 sucessfuly). The countertenor Vitas' version of "Nessun Dorma" has even surpassed the soprano version of the same song performed by Sarah Brightman. Vitas' version of "Nessun Dorma" is also included on his album Masterpieces of Three Centuries (2010).
no, he's single. he likes aya ueto though Not so. He has a daughter, Alla.
What I know is that one of his grandfathers - Аркадий Давидович, Arkadi Davidovich - is Jewish. He also was Vitas' first music teacher. I suspect that Vitas' other grandparents are Jewish too. BTW, he was born and raised in the Jewish city of Odessa. See related links down below (in Russian):
Vitas is a Russian singer and he is an extremely talented singer. He said that he trains a lot and tries to sing perfectly. He is a "countertenor", a male that can sing with a voice at contralto, or higher. (That is, mezzo-soprano and soprano.) Many say he uses falsetto, as many other singers, to achieve this high pitch. However, his pitch is equivalent to that of a female's "whistle" - the highest vocal register - or simply, very, very high. A good example of this high pitch is his "Opera #2".
The duration of The Russian Singer is 1.98 hours.
Caffarelli - castrato - died in 1783.
Caffarelli - castrato - was born in 1710.
Zara - Russian singer - was born in 1983.
The Russian Singer was created on 1993-01-15.