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Q: Is the 5 line at the bottom or top of the staff?
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What is the name of line 5 of the staff?

There is no name for line number 5 of the staff its a trick question (if you are doing a music crossword like i am) the answer is its the top line. i looked it up

How many lines on a staff bar?

There are three notes between the bass and treble staves. The D is placed just below the bottom line of the treble staff. The note below that is middle C. This note is written with a line through it called a ledger line. Below middle C is the note B. The B is placed just above the top line of the bass staff.

In what direction is the line containing the point 5 9 and -5 -5 going?

A line containing the point 5 9 and -5 -5 is going from the bottom left to the top right. It is a positive slope.

If three is showing on the top side of a die which number is on the bottom?

The opposites sides always add up to 7. So: * If 1 is on top, 6 is on the bottom * If 2 is on top, 5 is on the bottom. * If 3 is on top, 4 is on the bottom. * If 4 is on top, 3 is on the bottom * If 5 is on top, 2 is on the bottom. * If 6 is on top, 1 is on the bottom.

How do you read drumming notations?

Just for clarity, let's say that the bottom-most line is called "line 1," the next line is called "line 2," the next is "line 3," then "line 4," and "line 5." If you were reading the staff in treble clef, "line 1" would be E, "line 2" would be G, "line 3" would be B, "line 4" would be D, and "line 5" would be F.The space above line 5 (on top of the staff) as well as line 5 itself are used to denote cymbals. (Hi-hats, crashes, rides, splashes, etc)The space below line 5 is the first tom-tom.The space below line 4 is the second tom-tom.The third line is the snare drum.The space below line 3 is the floor tom-tom.The space below line 2 is the kick drum.There is an example in the related links section.

What is line number 5 on the musical staff?

It depends which staff it is. If it is the treble cleff (staff) the answer is E, if it is the Bass cleff, the answer is G.

What is the answer for power line phase 1 level 8?

top left is 3 center left is 7 center is 4 center right is 1 top right is 2 bottom left is 6 bottom right is 5

Line number 5 of the staff is the what line?

i think its called the E line

Can you show the work for how did you get the simplest form fo 0.125?

Yes I can: 0.125 = 125/1000 = 25/200 (divide top and bottom by 5) = 5/40 (divide top and bottom by 5) = 1/8 (divide top and bottom by 5)

What is the line number 5 of the staff?

E line

What are the answers to the game power line?

phase 1 lv1 2 at top left, 1 at top right , 4 is in the middle, 6 bottom left, 5 bottom right. lv2 6 at top, 4 middle left, 3 bottom left, 5 middle right, 2 bottom right. lv3 2 at top, 5 at middle left, 3 in middle, 4 middle right, 6 in 3rd won down, 1 at bottom. lv4 7 top left, 5 midle left, 1 in bottom left, 2 in midlde, 4 top right, 6 in middle right, 3 in bottom right. lv5 3 at top, 5 in middle, 6 middle left, 2 midle right, 4 3rd won down, 1 at bottom. lv6 5 at top, 2 middle left, 3 bottom left, 6 midle bottom, 1 bottom right, 4 middle right. lv7 6 top left, 1 middle left, 5 bottom left, 4 in the middle, 3 top right, 7 middle right, 2 in bottom right. lv 8 5 top left, 1midle left, 2 bottom left, 3 bottom right, 7 middle right, 6 top right, 4 in the middle. the code for phase is 321123. this was answered by Alistair burns and i live in kinglassie at 55 mina crecent.

How do you write an equivelent fraction?

Multiply top and bottom by same number eg 5 / 8 , * top and bottom by 3 = 15 / 24 > Divide top and bottom by same number eg 5 / 8 , divide top and bottom by 2 = 2.5 / 4