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What is TAY?TAY is "Thinking About You" TAY Definition / TAY MeansThe definition of TAY is "Thinking About You" The Meaning of TAYTAY means "Thinking About You" So now you know - TAY means "Thinking About You"

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The Tay Bridge spanned the Firth of Tay in Scotland.

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k o tay (phonetically)

What is a good nickname for tayla?

Either tay, tay-tay, twylamay, lala, tella.

Who is Taylor's biggest fan?

I beleive i am tay tay's biggest fan. i've got all her albums my wall is filled with posters of her I LOVE TAY TAY. But there is no correct answer every tay tay fan thinks their her biggest fan.I think im her biggest fan but others might think their tay tay's biggest fan. So there is no correct answer.

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Are you on drugs or do you just enjoy saying stuff that makes no sense?

What country is the Tay river in?

The Tay is in Scotland. There are two main cities on the Tay, Dundee and Perth.

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Tayler Hamilton goes by Tooda, Tay, and Tay Tay.

What is Taylor Lautner's nickname?

Taylor Lautner's nickname is "Tay Tay"!!! Taylor's nicname is Tay and he's really cool. Miley Cyrus also calls him spikey i think. rofl Tay Tay, or Tai-Lor [Taylor said like a Chinease person.]