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Yes, the movie is based on a true story. The movie is about the Westward expantion which was an actual event in history. It shows differnt points of veiw than most history books. It shows the veiws of the Native Americans and the horses.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

We presume it is true by this quote

'The story that I want to tell you cannot be found in a book. They say the history of the West was written from the saddle of a horse, but it's never been told from the heart of one... not 'til now. I was born here, in this place that would come to be called the Old West, but to my kind the land was ageless. It had no beginning and no end, no boundary between earth and sky. Like the wind and the buffalo grass, we belonged here. We would always belong here. They say the mustang is the spirit of the West. Whether that West was won or lost in the end, you'll have to decide for yourself, but the story I wanna tell you is true. I was there and I remember. I remember the sun and the sky and the wind calling my name, in a time when wild horses ran free.'

However no one is sure



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Q: Is spirit stallion of the cimarron based on a true story?
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