Yes he is.... Believe it or not, he used to live 4 houses down from me in Alexandria VA. He moved to Florida 2 years ago, but i just saw him a month ago, and he is alive, and well. - Travis Alexandria VA
the macCoys are not live
She is a family friend and yes she is still alive and well... as is her husband Randy, they live in Salt Lake City Utah.
Yes, Sheila E is still alive and kickin'. She's probably out there somewhere, drumming up a storm and showing the youngins how it's done. Long live the Queen of Percussion!
is jams earness still alive
No, LeBron James is still alive. Kobe Bryant, another Laker great, passed away in a helicopter crash yesterday.
Yes he is.... Believe it or not, he used to live 4 houses down from me in Alexandria VA. He moved to Florida 2 years ago, but i just saw him a month ago, and he is alive, and well. - Travis Alexandria VA
is flicka still a live
Yes he is alive and live's in Taranaki :) .
los angeles,caifornia he is still alive I believe
They still are, they live in India..
No, he's alive
yes, she's still alive.
Stephenie Meyer is still alive.
Bill Gates is still alive.
yes they live in England still waiting for Robert because he in fact is still alive