Snatam Kaur was born in 1972.
One can find the lyrics of the song Heart of the Universe by Snatam Kaur on a number of websites. Songlyrics, Spirit Voyage, Sweets Lyrics, and YouTube.
The cast of I am a Sikh - 2013 includes: Snatam Kaur as herself
The cast of Kundalini Yoga for Circulation and Detoxification - 2012 includes: Snatam Kaur as Singer Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa as Teacher
The cast of Kundalini Yoga for a Strong Nervous System - 2013 includes: Khalsa Gurmukh as Teacher Snatam Kaur
Harjit singh : kamakjit kaur : simran kaur : amrin kaur : giran kaur : veer Sean singh : rossie kaur. phew
Charmy Kaur's birth name is Charmy Kaur.
amrita kaur is awesome
name of maharaja ranjit singh's mother is raj kaur .And name of his mother in law Is sada kaur
what does meaning of rajinder kaur
Kaur means in Punjabi is princess.