All we know is that Silver was born in the distant future of Sonic's world, and that he's 14. Since we're never given a date for any event in the Sonic timeline whatsoever, and since we don't know just how distant Silver's time period is from Sonic's, determining his date of birth is impossible.
All we know is that Silver was born in the distant future of Sonic's world, and that he's 14. Since we're never given a date for any event in the Sonic timeline whatsoever, and since we don't know just how distant Silver's time period is from Sonic's, determining his date of birth is impossible. If you are referring to the date when Silver made his debut in a video game, that would be the launch date of SONIC the Hedgehog. The earliest date is the North American release of the 360 version, which is November 14, 2006.
It would be Sonic the hedgehog.Shadow uses jet shoes therefor cannot run fast.Actually that's not true, both Sonic and Shadow are tied, and Shadow can keep up with Sonic even without his skates, but he prefers to use them anyway.And where do you see Shadow run without his skates. While he doesn't necessarily use them in Sonic Riders, he uses extreme-gear like Sonic is using at the time. Though just because Shadow uses jet shoes does not mean that he IS slower, though that is most likely.
no soz silvaze fans but blaze loves sonic and silver loves sally or you could say episo loves blaze
yes sonic does have a sister in sega version her name is solar
no,silver is not sonic's cousin because he's from the future
No Silver the hedgehog is from the future, and is 14. Sonic is from the present and 15. Not to mention Silver was sent in Sonic 06 to kill Sonic which would make a very confusing storyline if Silver was Sonic sent to kill himself......
No Silver is not Sonic, Silver is a 14 year old hedgehog from 200 years into the future while Sonic is 15 in the present. Silver may well be one of Sonic's descendants, but this has been unproven.
yes they are No not at all shadow was created sonic is a regular hedgehog and silver is from the future so no
No. Silver is two-hundred years from the future, so it's impossible that they're brothers. Some people theorize that Silver may be a future relative of Sonic's, but it's not confirmed.
Both Silver and Blaze are good. Silver only attacks Sonic because Silver thinks sonic ruined the future
No they are not. Silver came from the future to find the Iblis Trigger.
Silver is a white hedgehog with powerful psychic abilities who hails from the future.
The last answer was not that helpful. Sonic and/or Silver the Hedgehog are not related. In the show, Sonic Underground, Sonic's had only 1 brother and only 1 sister. His brother was Manic and his sister was Sonia. Sonic does not have any more siblings. Silver is just a hedgehog from the future, not Sonic's brother.
Oh, isn't that a fun question! Silver the Hedgehog isn't evil, my friend. He's actually a kind-hearted and gentle soul who wants to make the world a better place. Just like Silver, we all have the power to choose kindness and spread positivity wherever we go.
silver the hedge hog is from the future where sonic and shadow did not defaet seelkadoom
no, because shadow was a creation of dr. robotnik and silver was just a hedghog from the future sonic only has one brother and that is manic